(The eyes are usesless when the mind is blind)
It is understandable the pressure we are all under, with everything going around us, this super skinny fever spreading all around us, the infectious lifestyle of supermodels and celebrities, the endless messages the media is sending to us every single day, trying to make us all turn into copies of the so-called world standards of beauty.
With love,
Nadatizer (Yours in Health & Wellness)
"There is only one mirror. The mirror inside, everything you see on the outside is a reflection of what is going on in your mind. its a powerful tool, so use it wisely".
You are just fine!! there is nothing wrong with you, you are not fat, you have excess fat storage in your body, this can be fixed, you just need the knowledge, you need to learn how to do it, you need the determination and the unconditional love for yourself, no matter how you look like or how much you weight.
It is understandable the pressure we are all under, with everything going around us, this super skinny fever spreading all around us, the infectious lifestyle of supermodels and celebrities, the endless messages the media is sending to us every single day, trying to make us all turn into copies of the so-called world standards of beauty.
Well! for a moment, forget about that, forget about the magazines' covers, the girls from the videoclips, yourfriend's new size, forget about the number on the scale, your body measurements forget about gossip on the radio or the shows on TV that is trying to transform you into something you are not.
Focus on ONE THING, a simple fact, that you are a unique human being, there is only one you in this world, you don't have to compete, nor top anyone else, you are beautiful just the way you are. You ARE ORIGINAL!
Once you learn how to accept yourself with all your curves and your edges, your perfect imperfections, taking care of yourself, losing weight to become healthier, being active to maintain a well body, will all come to you naturally, it will be as easy as it can be, and you will enjoy every minute of the journey.
By changing the inner attitudes of our minds, we can change the outer aspects of our lives.
Nadatizer (Yours in Health & Wellness)
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