Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dieting Is Not Normal

Does this sound extreme to you, i think for most people the answer would be yes. 

Well, maybe it's about time that we open up our minds and hearts and start understanding what this concept of DIETING is really all about, specially that lately, it seems to be the ONE Thing taking control over people's lives.

Why do i think dieting is not normal? 

Basically, because as someone who worked in the feild of health and nutrition consultation, i have seen many examples of people falling into a lifetime love and hate relationship with food and with their bodies while dieting. After many years i came to understand that the problem was not with the food they ate nor with the way they looked, it was something else, something inside their heads that has to do with their mindset, how they think, how they feel, it was the unrealistic image they carry around in their minds, it's the life of competition they are constantly having with their peers, which i believe is mainly because they do not know how to love themselves enough to stop comparing themselves to others.

Those people who didn't set the right goals for their health/weightloss to begin with, their reasons are based on external factors that might soon change or disappear, instead of coming from within. (Wanting to look like superstarts, supermodels or the celebrities on the covers of magazines, dreaming to fit in the crazy standards of beauty that is trying to make us believe that BEAUTIFUL = SKINNY. 
If you were one of those people, trust me on this, your achievements will only be temporary,  you might be satisfied and happy but only temporarily, after a while you will be back where you started, falling in the same pit over and over again, only to get more and more disappointed every single time.

In the world where we are living now perhaps the biggest misconception is that as long as you lose weight, it doesn’t matter what you eat. But it does. Yet being thin and being healthy are not at all the same thing. Being overweight is not necessarily linked with disease or premature death. What you eat affects which diseases you may develop, regardless of whether you’re thin or fat. Some diets that may help you lose weight may be harmful to your health over time. (Your weight is not the indicator of your overall health.) 

                                                                  Dieting Cycle 

What do you need to do instead of dieting?

My advice is learn to love yourself, stop comparing yourself to others, and stop trying to be someone else. Listen to your body and pay attention to the signs it is sending you, and always ask your self this question, is what i am about to eat going to harm me or nourish me? 
your ultimate goal should be being healthy and well, living your life to the fullest, that is your way to an everlasting happiness and joy.


Yours in Health & Wellness

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